Hello All,
My apologies for those that have been asking for info on where and how to donate to the PERIScope. I have been away from home and busy with family stuff and we have thrown in a little traveling.
No excuses lads and lasses just apologies for not replying in a timely manner.
To Donate to the PERIScope please send a cheque to:
C/O Shannon Boivin
1040 Costin Ave., Victoria, BC V9B 2T3
Make the Cheque Payable to P.E.R.I.
Thanks in advance for your support.
Dan Girard
PERIScope Administrator
P.S. Shannon does not do e'transfer if you wish to donate by e'transfer please send and email to peribranch@gmail.com and I will contact you directly on where to send the e'transfer.
All donations will be listed on the sites financial report which we do bi-annually.